Boosting Hope Committee

South Tahoe Basin, CA & NV


Mission Statement

Boosting Hope is a non-profit on a mission to provide individuals and communities with catalytic gap grants. Providing essential boosts of financial aid, and hope, to underserved individuals who cannot access government and commercial sources. We are focusing on capable individuals who need one time support to address their hurdles to prosperity and have the initiative to help others when possible. These hurdles are related to education, health, livelihood, and, affordable housing.

About STB

The STB Committee operates in the South Tahoe area including California and Nevada Basin. The committee is developing programs for education grants in collaboration with Lake Tahoe Community College; and for health, small businesses, and, affordable housing project in collaboration with several local, state, and federal partners.

Active Programs

Education grants project has been initiated for Lake Tahoe Community College with scholarships to enable two graduates to go to four-year degree college. A little help can change the life of motivated capable young individuals facing a hurdle to transfer to a four-year degree college program. They already have admission but cannot access any government, commercial and personal sources to overcome this hurdle. With a small grant we can help these individuals on the path to prosperity. Helping avail opportunities to prosperity is an amazing gift.

South Tahoe Basin-Success Stories

South Tahoe Basin, CA & NV - Leydi
South Tahoe Basin, CA & NV - Adnan

How can you help?

We are seeking donations to provide need-based gap grants to students at Lake Tahoe Community College.

All donations will be used to provide grants to deserving students. One-time grants of $2500 will be provided to two seniors for the Fall 2023 quarter. Besides the funding we will offer mentoring to the grantees on need basis.